Have you decided to collaborate with an influencer? Great – it will take your brand to new levels! In order to receive all potential benefits from this media investment, you have to think about the next step – right from the start. Influencer marketing is primarily a long-term marketing tool that you must work continuously with, to be able to measure and get results. In this blog post, we will tell you why you have to invest long-term in influencer marketing.

Why long term influencer partnerships are better?

Even if you often might be able to see quick results from a campaign, e.g. increased traffic to your website, the long-term investment in influencer marketing is one of the most important parts for profitability. People who do this investment uncommitted (in terms of time, energy or resources) won’t be able to keep continuously growing results. For example, you rarely remember one single advertisement in a magazine, a banner on a news site, or the 10-seconds ad on YouTube. In the same way, one single post from an influencer will probably not be able to make the consumers remember your brand – especially not if you are new on the market or for the audience.

Long-term influencer partnerships are much better as you will have already established a rapport with the influencer and they will already know much more about your brand and offerings. With that said, here are some reasons why you need to invest long-term in influencer marketing:

Integrate influencer marketing in the overall marketing strategy

Establishing a long-term strategy for influencer marketing from the start is equally important as having an elaborate plan for your overall marketing. By setting realistic goals, clear KPIs, and dedicate resources to marketing, you will be able to see long-term results compared to if you “just try a little”.

If you sell a product or service classified as consumer durables, e.g.