H&M, Louis Vuitton, Nike… These are household-name brands known around the world as some of the biggest players in the fashion industry. As consumer behaviours are changing, so are they.
Today, consumers’ expectations of a top-tier shopping experience are completely different to what they used to be. Retailers have had to move focus from building flagship stores in busy highstreets and spending marketing budget on massive billboards, to instead focus on building a presence online that caters to a younger demographic who seek out their shopping inspiration on social media first and foremost.
Companies that succeed in 2022 invest in influencer marketing to help build that online presence and can therefore keep their household status. In this article, we’re going to explore the affinity between fashion brands and influencers, as well as why fashion influencer marketing is a potent solution to achieve sustainable ROI.
The similarities between fashion brands and influencers
Think of all the qualities that (successful) fashion brands possess: uniqueness, consistency, loyal consumer bases, and strong audience understanding. All of these traits can be directly transferred to successful influencers. If you wish to achieve higher-than-ordinary levels of engagement with your customers, these are the qualities you’ll need to incorporate into your online presence.
Fashion brands’ objectives are likely to be similar or the same as those of influencers, which stems from a fundamental aim to build up a loyal following of people that love their products and/or content. For these two parties, achieving a high customer lifetime value is ideal as it is more expensive to acquire new customers than retain them – even though influencer marketing can do both.
Why do fashion brands use influencers?
With so many channels at these brands’ disposal, what has