Most marketers today are aware of the most common strengths of influencer marketing and we have written several blog posts on the topic. The question is, how can influencer marketing be turned into a content goldmine?

Reasons why influencer marketing syncs with content marketing

One advantage, which is not as obvious, is the fact that influencer marketing can contribute with relevant and high quality content – something that is scarce for many marketers. In this blog post, we highlight four reasons why influencer marketing can be a true content marketing goldmine.

1. The content process is both time and cost effective

One of the most obvious benefits with influencer marketing is the ability to reach your target group through people whom they relate to and trust. What many don’t think about is that all the content that the influencers create can also be used in the company’s own marketing. And do you know what the best part is? All content is ready to use right from the start! Keep in mind that you need to agree with the profile on how you are allowed to use the material – often this can cost extra. However, that cost is minimal compared to what it would cost to hire a photographer, rent a studio and a full photo team, which is often required in order to create high quality content. Influencers on the other hand, are experts in producing good content as they do it on a daily basis.

2. All content is created with your target group in mind

Most influencers have spent a lot of time, often many years, on building a relationship with their followers. Thanks to this experience, they know what type of content that engages their audience – simply put, what flies and what doesn’t. Everything from what kind of pictures that get many likes or which texts that engage and create interaction. By using