Historically, people tend to associate influencer marketing primarily with traditional B2C marketing, where consumers generally seek out goods and services based on an immediate need, and make purchases more quickly, without too much research and due diligence.

Durable and sustainable influencer marketing

Today influencer marketing is being used in various contexts, whether it’s about recruitment, B2B settings, or to market durable products – such as vacations, cars, or insurances. In this blog post, we highlight three things to consider in order to succeed with influencer marketing for durable products.

Build an always-on strategy and aim for continuity

Since shopping for durable products is not something we do everyday, brands need to reach their target audience with a relevant message at the exact right time. The chances to succeed, and that you reach your target audience when they are in the right buying mode, are not very high if you do only a single influencer collaboration once in a while. Instead, you need to plan for the long-term from the start and work always-on, so that you can establish a sense of credibility. The odds for them choosing your product when it is time to make a purchase decision will then be far greater.

Let the influencers tell your story

In order to stay relevant over a longer period of time, storytelling has proved to be a successful strategy. In an influencer marketing context, this could mean that you activate several influencers for several months that help you tell your brand’s story – not just selling your product or service. When it comes to durable products, it is not always concrete product or design features t